Sweden is all about equality – that includes dating. Girls should not expect a guy to pay for her and guys should be prepared to split the bill.

Dating in Sweden
Dating in Sweden

Most Swedish women are feminists and they like their independence. They also have a relatively free attitude toward marriage. This might make them seem distant at first, but don’t worry if they take a while to reply to your text.

1. Keep it casual

Swedish men will probably make the first move if they are interested in you. But they also don’t like being wooed. Instead, they prefer to spend time together and communicate – and if they feel mutual sympathy, their relationships will move forward naturally and organically.

They may invite you to fika or a movie date after the initial meeting, but they usually reserve dinner and a movie for people who have become their friends. They also expect you to split the bill. So be prepared to pick up the tab if you’re going out with a Swede. Especially since their dates often involve outdoor activities such as walking through a bokskogen or wandering by the seaside! Alternatively, you could try BBQing together at one of the free park fire pits.

2. Pay for your own meals

Swedes are known for their free mind and modern way of life, but they still hold traditional rules when it comes to dating. They don’t like to be wooed and prefer to build relationships through sympathy, which is why they are so good at communication.

When you go out with your Swedish date, make sure you pay for your own meal. It’s considered rude to ask your date to foot the bill, especially if you have been flirting with them.

In addition, it’s not a good idea to give your Swedish boo gifts because they will feel like you’re trying to manipulate them. Instead, show your interest by complimenting them on their looks and personality. This is a much more effective approach. It is also more respectful to them.

3. Take things slow

Swedes are very serious about maintaining their independence, even in a relationship. This means that they are unlikely to want too much chivalry from a partner, especially in the early stages of dating.

They also prefer more casual conversation to chitchat, and they may be less inclined to give you a cheeky kiss as a greeting (they will probably just hug you). This can make them seem cold and distant at times but it’s nothing to worry about.

In the early stages of dating, they will likely invite you to fika or outdoor activities instead of movie night. This is their way of gauging how serious your interest is and will eventually lead to more romantic dates. Once you’re in a more established relationship, they will likely take you to see their favorite museum or to a play.

4. Don’t expect a lot of chivalry

Swedes do not like to be wooed with grand declarations of love or gifts. They prefer to show their interest in someone with subtle non-verbal cues and a good dose of communication. They also like to take their time when it comes to dating.

They might invite you over for dinner a few times before making it clear that they are interested in you romantically. However, it will never be as formal as a date in many other countries.

A great way to get a conversation going is by buying them a drink. They’ll appreciate it, and you can use the opportunity to see if there is any chemistry between you. If there is, you can leave the dance floor and go somewhere quieter to talk more.

5. You always split the bill

When you’re dating a Swedish person, you can expect to split the bill. It’s also not uncommon for couples to be exclusive after just a few dates, provided that they enjoy each other’s company.

It’s not a good idea to give your Swedish date gifts, unless it’s for a birthday or other occasion. This is because Swedes don’t like to feel that they owe others anything.

However, you should offer to pay on the first few dates. After that, it’s up to you and your date to decide how much to spend on each outing. Just be sure to always ask your date if you can go ahead and split the check. This shows your interest and respect for their decision. They will appreciate it!