Did you know that certain foods can help increase your sexual health and stamina? Sure there are tons of artificial supplements out there that taut that they are the greatest thing since Viagra, but why fill your body with all that junk when some simple all natural foods can do the trick just as well.

Food For Sexual Health
Food For Sexual Health

Healthy eating and regular exercise have been proven by science to be libido boosting and when having hot phone sex it’s just as important! A high mojo ratio will have you wanting and thinking about sex all the time and you know on our sexy phone chat lines a hot date night is just a call away!

So here are some foods to get you ready to talk sex all night and keep you pumped for more! Speaking of pumped, did you know that the citrulline in watermelon boost the bodies natural production of nitric oxide? This is a good thing because nitric oxide increases blood flow to muscle tissue and it may help with erectile dysfunction. Even if erectile dysfunction is not an issue, you know added blood flow to the male member is a very good thing. It can keep you at high, hard attention for a great night of phone sex!

You’ve probably heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac but did you know why? Oysters are known to house quite a lot of zinc. Getting enough zinc in your diet is important because men with low zinc levels have also tested low for testosterone levels. So if you want to have a libido that is ready to go all night, throw back a few oysters before calling in to our sexy adult chat.

And lastly, after eating your watermelon and oysters, top it off with a bit of chocolate! Once again science comes into play here and studies have proven that a bit of dark chocolate can improve your circulation (good for your wood) and the phenylethylamine can heighten the serotonin and endorphin levels in your body. All of which will make you want to get it on!