Tag: Hook Up

Less Known Benefits Of Phone Sex To Reduce Stress

When you are turned on, your body produces chemicals, and many studies have associated the chemicals produced with happiness and stress reduction. What does this mean for you? If you are open to being turned on and having a little fun, let the phone sex process does all the work for you. All you need to do is relax and enjoy the company of your new phone sex partner.

Less Known Benefits Of Phone Sex To Reduce Stress
Less Known Benefits Of Phone Sex To Reduce Stress

We have hot phone sex friends that love to chat about a wide range of sex topics; your fantasies are among them. There are other reasons that phone sex reduces stress too.

Masturbate On Your Time

We are always here and always have sexy people wanting to chat. It means that you are still able to have fun with our gorgeous community regardless of the time. From late nights to early mornings, and afternoons as well, your perfect fantasy sex friend is there. You can also take a long as you’d like once you make the call. Three minutes to two hours, our insatiable sex-loving chatters are ready for a good time.

Your Friends And Family Won’t Know

Taking pictures and videos around on your phone and tablet is risky. If you take a photo or video, someone could easily accidentally see it. Phone sex is a much safer way to get your jollies on. It is always at your fingertips and you won’t have to worry about other people knowing. Even when you look at websites on tablets and phones, they remember the address in your history. If someone borrows your phone to look up “secrets to happiness” and gets “sexynymphoswithsweetpussiesthatloveusingthem.sex” after the first two letters, they will know what’s up. Keep things safe and straightforward.

Simply put, there are a lot of places that the urge to get sexy and masturbate may come along. Phone sex is the perfect way to get these urges taken care of.

Great Advice For Taking A Phone Date Success

It happens to some people more often than others, but taking a person home with you after a date (or for casual sex in general) can be a ton of fun. If the chemistry is there when you call people on a phone date and you decide to go out in person, decide of you are open to the prospect.

Great Advice For Taking A Phone Date Success
Great Advice For Taking A Phone Date Success

If you choose to let the person spend the night, hopefully you have thought about in advance. Make sure to have a toothbrush and towel available for the person, especially if they are planning on spending the night. Breakfast food is also something that you can look to have in the fridge and ready just in case. It is not recommended to leave someone that you don’t know in your house or apartment by themselves. If you don’t have these things, take them along on a store run if you want.

Often once people take someone home for sex, they think the night is over. It is entirely fine to leave with them somewhere after sex. Go grab a coffee or dessert and connect some more if the mood strikes. We know many people that love an ice cream sundae. Good whiskey or wine at a nice bar can also be a great option.

Conversely, it is entirely acceptable to kick someone out after the sex. If you need alone time, sleep, or just don’t want to be friends with the people you are sleeping with casually, go ahead and boot them (politely) out. Let them know if you had a good time, make sure they have all of their things, and send them on their way.

When you are planning a phone date or a meetup with a potential new casual sex partner, sometimes the chemistry is intense, it is best to be prepared for any scenario. Be safe, have fun, and start calling for dates and meet-ups, now is your time.

More Tips If You Want To Take Someone Home For Sex

For a casual fling or if you decide to take some early sex in your dating life from a potential partner, there are ways to help make the experience more pleasant and safe for everyone involved.

More Tips If You Want To Take Someone Home For Sex
More Tips If You Want To Take Someone Home For Sex

Phone dating chat hotlines are a great way to meet people for casual sex and dating, and when the person is driving you wild, you may want to take them home and rip their clothes off. Here are some tips to have the best phone dating experience possible:

It is always a great idea to get STI tested regularly. If you have this on hand, it can dispel any concern if the topic gets brought up on the date. Some people are very particular about this information. Many professionals recommend being tested at least every 6-8 months if you have multiple sex partners.

Clean your naughty bits. That’s right. Take a shower and make sure you are in a position to have a mouth down there. If you don’t have time for a shower, you can always suggest a shower before you head into playtime. It is a great way to break the ice and get some flirting in before the sex starts.

Don’t be afraid to initiate. There are times that people tiptoe around the start of casual sex, even when talked about over the phone in advance. It’s more likely with people that have not done it before. If you are horny, flirt a little and make an entrance. If you are a bit more nervous, that is ok too. Let your partner know that you are interested, so they don’t misread your body language and are more comfortable getting to the sexy time.

Don’t drink too much. Sloppy sex is not what most people are looking for. Getting drunk decreases most people chance of performing and maintaining erections and interest in sex. Have a drink or two and enjoy the company. After the sex, you may decide that another drink is in order. Basically, make sure that you are making tactful and smart decisions.

Decide before the romp whether you want the person to spend the night. You can change your mind, but often for the first casual sex fun that you have with a person, it is best to stick with the plan. It helps avoid possible morning awkwardness and is a great way to hold yourself accountable if you have appointments the next day.