A running date is a great way to meet someone new and get to know them better. It’s not competitive or glamorous, but it is an excellent way to get to know someone on a more personal level.

Why You Should Try a Running Date
Why You Should Try a Running Date

Here are a few reasons to try one out. They’re also great for building your confidence and getting some great exercise at the same time.

They’re a great way to get to know someone

One of the most effective ways to meet someone new is to try a running date. This activity has a natural pause for conversation and a fixed time limit, making it a great way to get to know someone. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about being embarrassed if you end the date early or you sweat profusely.

In addition to being a great way to get to know someone, running dates help you bond with your date. The first half-hour is all about getting comfortable and breaking any tension. It’s also about general conversation and lighthearted activities.

They’re not sexy

A running date isn’t sexy for a couple of reasons. First of all, the other person is going to have more energy than you, which will make you feel outdone. Second, your date is going to be more competitive than you, which can lead to some ugly, angry diary entries and dreary dating blogs.

Rules for asking a girl on a running date

There are a few rules to follow when asking a girl out on a running date. First, make sure the girl you’re asking enjoys running. Otherwise, you might scare her off. You also don’t want to try to race her. Be sure to offer her a drink and water during the run.

Second, keep the conversation light. While it’s perfectly acceptable to share about your running accomplishments, try not to bruise her ego. After all, running dates aren’t a competition. You don’t want to annoy her by saying that you’ve been a runner for months, but it’s also fine to ask her to join you for a brisk 5-mile run.